

Abstract classes

class beyond.orbits.statevector.AbstractStateVector(coord, date, form, frame, **kwargs)

Coordinate representation

static __new__(cls, coord, date, form, frame, **kwargs)
  • coord (list) – 6-length state vector

  • date (Date) – Date associated with the state vector

  • form (str or Form) – Name of the form of the state vector

  • frame (str or Frame) – Name of the frame of reference of the state vector

as_frame(name, **kwargs)

Register the orbit as frame.

see beyond.frames.frames.orbit2frame() for details of the arguments


Attach a propagator to a StateVector, creating a new Orbit object


propagator (Propagator) –


New Orbit object, with the same state as the creating StateVector

Return type:


copy(*, frame=None, form=None, same=None)

Provide a new object of the same point in space-time. Optionally, allow for frame and form conversion

Keyword Arguments:
  • frame (str or Frame) – Frame to convert the new instance into

  • form (str or Form) – Form to convert the new instance into

  • same (StateVector) – A statevector from which to copy the frame and form

Return type:


If the argument same is used, it overwrites frame and form.


# New instance of the same statevector
sv1 = sv.copy()

# statevector converted into spherical form
sv2 = sv.copy(form="spherical")

# statevector converted into EME2000 frame, keplerian form
sv3 = sv.copy(form="keplerian", frame="EME2000")

# statevector in the same frame and form as sv3 (EME2000, keplerian)
sv4 = sv.copy(same=sv3)

Override numpy.ndarray.copy() to include additional fields

property cov

6x6 Covariance matrix

If a statevector and its covariance are expressed in the same frame, changing the frame of the statevector will trigger the change of its covariance frame.



property form

Form of the coordinates of the orbit If set as a string (e.g. "cartesian") will be automatically converted to the corresponding Form object.

orbit.form = "cartesian"
# is equivalent to
from beyond.orbits.forms import CART
orbit.form = CART


property frame

Reference frame of the orbit If set as a string (e.g. "EME2000") will be automatically converted to the corresponding Frame object.

orbit.frame = "EME2000"
# is equivalent to
from beyond.frames.frames import EME2000
orbit.frame = EME2000


property infos

Infos object of self

property maneuvers

Maneuver descriptions usable by the propagator. Not all propagators can handle maneuvers. Check their respective documentations for more details.


list of Man

class beyond.orbits.orbit.AbstractOrbit(coord, date, form, frame, propagator, **kwargs)

Extrapolable coordinates (i.e. a StateVector associated to a Propagator via the propagate() method)

static __new__(cls, coord, date, form, frame, propagator, **kwargs)
  • coord (list) – 6-length state vector

  • date (Date) – Date associated with the state vector

  • form (str or Form) – Name of the form of the state vector

  • frame (str or Frame) – Name of the frame of reference of the state vector

  • propagator (str or Propagator) – Name of the propagator to be used to extrapolate

as_frame(name, **kwargs)

Register the orbit as frame.

see beyond.frames.frames.orbit2frame() for details of the arguments


Tabulation of Orbit at a given step and on a given date range

  • start (Date) –

  • stop (Date or timedelta) –

  • step (timedelta) –

Return type:



Generator giving the propagation of the orbit at different dates

  • start (Date) –

  • stop (Date or timedelta) –

  • step (timedelta) –




see Propagator.iter()


Propagate the orbit to a new date


date (Date) –



property propagator

Propagator of the orbit. If set as a string (e.g. "Sgp4") will be automatically converted to the corresponding propagator class and instantiated without arguments.



Concrete classes

class beyond.orbits.statevector.StateVector(coord, date, form, frame, **kwargs)

Bases: AbstractStateVector

Represents a coordinate in time and space


propagator (AnalyticalPropagator) –


MeanOrbit object which, when propagated at the same date,

returns the input StateVector

Return type:


class beyond.orbits.orbit.Orbit(coord, date, form, frame, propagator, **kwargs)

Bases: StateVector, AbstractOrbit

Osculating orbit, associated with a numerical propagator

class beyond.orbits.orbit.MeanOrbit(coord, date, form, frame, propagator, **kwargs)

Bases: AbstractOrbit

Mean orbit associated with a mean propagator


When using a StateVector or Orbit object it is possible to change its form by naming the desired new form.:

>>> print(repr(orb))
Orbit =
  date = 2020-10-04T04:38:08.250720 UTC
  form = tle
  frame = TEME
  propag = Sgp4
  coord =
    i = 0.9013630748877075
    Ω = 2.951400634341467
    e = 0.0001204
    ω = 1.769838910680086
    M = 0.9752533341001394
    n = 0.0011263401984422173

>>> orb.form = "keplerian_circular"
>>> print(repr(orb))
Orbit =
  date = 2020-10-04T04:38:08.250720 UTC
  form = keplerian_circular
  frame = TEME
  propag = Sgp4
  coord =
    a = 6798290.45301548
    ex = -2.3806801365162165e-05
    ey = 0.00011802286307643835
    i = 0.9013630748877075
    Ω = 2.951400634341467
    u = 2.74529160645093

Some forms have aliases:

  • circular points to keplerian_circular

  • mean points to keplerian_mean

  • mean_circular points to keplerian_mean_circular

  • eccentric points to keplerian_eccentric

It is also possible to access individual element of a StateVector or Orbit object by attribute or key. Some elements have aliases, particularly those with Greek letters name:

>>> orb.Omega  # is equivalent to orb.Ω
>>> orb["Omega"]
>>> orb.aol  # is equivalent to orb.u
class beyond.orbits.forms.Form(name, param_names)

Bases: Node

Base class for orbital form definition

beyond.orbits.forms.CART = <Form 'cartesian' at '0x7fc4a5015bb0'>

Cartesian form

beyond.orbits.forms.KEPL = <Form 'keplerian' at '0x7fc4a5015af0'>

The keplerian form is

  • a : semi-major axis

  • e : eccentricity

  • i : inclination

  • Ω : right-ascension of ascending node (aliases : Omega, raan)

  • ω : Argument of perigee (alias : omega)

  • ν : True anomaly (alias : nu)

see wikipedia for details

beyond.orbits.forms.SPHE = <Form 'spherical' at '0x7fc4a5015b50'>

Spherical form

  • r : radial distance / altitude

  • θ : azimuth / longitude (alias : theta)

  • φ : elevation / latitude (alias : phi)

  • r_dot : first derivative of radial distance / altitude

  • θ_dot : first derivative of azimuth / longitude (alias : theta_dot)

  • φ_dot : first derivative of elevation / latitude (alias : phi_dot)

beyond.orbits.forms.TLE = <Form 'tle' at '0x7fc4a5015970'>

TLE special form

  • i : inclination

  • Ω : right-ascension of ascending node (aliases: Omega, raan)

  • e : eccentricity

  • ω : argument of perigee (alias : omega)

  • M : mean anomaly

  • n : mean motion

see Tle for details

beyond.orbits.forms.KEPL_M = <Form 'keplerian_mean' at '0x7fc4a5015a90'>

Same as Keplerian, but replaces True anomaly with Mean anomaly

beyond.orbits.forms.KEPL_C = <Form 'keplerian_circular' at '0x7fc4a50159d0'>

Special case for near-circular orbits

  • a : semi-major axis

  • ex : e * cos(ω)

  • ey : e * sin(ω)

  • i : inclination

  • Ω : right-ascension of ascending node (aliases : Omega, raan)

  • u : true argument of latitude u = ω + ν (alias : aol)

beyond.orbits.forms.KEPL_E = <Form 'keplerian_eccentric' at '0x7fc4a5015a30'>

Same as Keplerian, but replaces True anomaly with Eccentric anomaly

beyond.orbits.forms.KEPL_MC = <Form 'keplerian_mean_circular' at '0x7fc4a5015cd0'>

Same as Circular but with mean argument of latitude

  • a : semi-major axis

  • ex : e * cos(ω)

  • ey : e * sin(ω)

  • i : inclination

  • Ω : right-ascension of ascending node (aliases : Omega, raan)

  • α : mean argument of latitude α = ω + M (aliases : alpha, maol)

beyond.orbits.forms.EQUI = <Form 'equinoctial' at '0x7fc4a5015c10'>

The Equinoctial form is

  • a : semi-major axis

  • ex : first element of the eccentricity vector

  • ey : second element of the eccentricity vector

  • ix : first element of the inclination vector

  • iy : second element of the inclination vector

  • l : argument of longitude

This form is not subject to ambiguity when the orbit is circular and/or equatorial like the keplerian form is (on ω and Ω, respectively)

beyond.orbits.forms.CYL = <Form 'cylindrical' at '0x7fc4a5015c70'>

Cylindrical form

  • r : radial distance

  • θ : azimuth (alias : theta)

  • z : height

  • r_dot : first derivative of radial distance / altitude

  • θ_dot : first derivative of azimuth / longitude (alias : theta_dot)

  • vz : velocity along z


class beyond.orbits.statevector.Infos(orb)

Compute additional informations on an orbit

property apocenter

Radius of the apocenter

property delay

Light propagation delay from the point in space described by self to the center of the reference frame



property dinf

Distance between the focus and the asymptote

property elliptic

True if the orbit it elliptic

property energy

Mechanical energy of the orbit

property fpa

Flight path angle

property hyperbolic

True if the orbit it hyperbolic

property n

Mean motion

property parabolic

True if the orbit it parabolic

property pericenter

Radius of the pericenter

property period

Period of the orbit as a timedelta

property r

Instantaneous radius

property ra

Radius of the apocenter

property rp

Radius of the pericenter

property v

Instantaneous velocity

property va

Velocity at apocenter

property vinf

Hyperbolic excess velocity

property vp

Velocity at pericenter

property za

Altitude of the apocenter, relative to the body equatorial surface

property zp

Altitude of the pericenter, relative to the body equatorial surface


Definition of ephemeris

class beyond.orbits.ephem.Ephem(orbits, method=None, order=None)

This class represents a range of orbits

It provides several useful interfaces in order to compute through them


ephem = orb.ephem(Date.now(), timedelta(hours=6), timedelta(minutes=2))
ephem.frame = 'ITRF'
ephem.form = 'spherical'
latitudes = ephem[:,1]
longitudes = ephem[:,2]
as_frame(name, **kwargs)

Register the Ephem object as a frame

see beyond.frames.frames.orbit2frame() for details of the arguments

copy(*, form=None, frame=None, same=None)

Create a deep copy of the ephemeris. Optionally, allow frame and form changing

Keyword Arguments:
  • form (str or Form) – Form to convert the new instance into

  • frame (str or Frame) – Frame to convert the new instance into

  • same (StateVector) – A statevector from which to copy the frame and form


New ephemeris object

Return type:


If the argument same is used, it overwrites frame and form.


# New instance of the same ephemeris
e1 = e.copy()

# ephemeris converted into spherical form
e2 = e.copy(form="spherical")

# ephemeris converted into EME2000 frame, keplerian form
e3 = e.copy(form="keplerian", frame="EME2000")

# ephemeris in the same frame and form as e3 (EME2000, keplerian)
e4 = e.copy(same=sv3)

Override numpy.ndarray.copy() to include additional fields

property dates

Generator yielding Dates of each Orbit object of the ephem

ephem(*args, **kwargs)

Create an Ephem object which is a subset of this one

Take the same keyword arguments as ephemeris()

Return type:


ephemeris(*args, **kwargs)

Same as self.iter()

Implemented to expose the same methods as Orbit

property form

Get the form of the first point

property frame

Get the frame of the first point

property interp

Interpolator object. Callable


Interpolate data at a given date


date (Date) –

Return type:


  • ValueError – when date is not in the range of the ephemeris

  • ValueError – when the order of interpolation is insufficient

iter(*, dates=None, start=None, stop=None, step=None, strict=True, **kwargs)

Ephemeris generator based on the data of this one, but with different dates

Keyword Arguments:
  • dates (list of Date) – Dates from which iterate over

  • start (Date or None) – Date of the first point

  • stop (Date, timedelta or None) – Date of the last point

  • step (timedelta or None) – Step to use during the computation. Use the same step as self if None

  • listeners (list of:py:class:~beyond.orbits.listeners.Listener) –

  • strict (bool) – If True, the method will return a ValueError if start or stop is not in the range of the ephemeris. If False, it will take the closest point in each case.





There is two ways to use the iter() method.

If dates is defined, it should be an iterable of dates. This could be a generator as per Date.range, or a list.

# Create two successive ranges of dates, with different steps
dates = list(Date.range(Date(2019, 3, 23), Date(2019, 3, 24), timedelta(minutes=3)))
    Date.range(Date(2019, 3, 24),
    Date(2019, 3, 25),

The alternative, is the use of start, stop and step keyword arguments which work exactly as Date.range(start, stop, step, inclusive=True)

If one of start, stop or step arguments is set to None it will keep the same property as the generating ephemeris.

# In the examples below, we consider the 'ephem' object to be an ephemeris starting on
# 2017-01-01 00:00:00 UTC and ending and 2017-01-02 00:00:00 UTC (included) with a fixed
# step of 3 minutes.

# These two calls will generate exactly the same points starting at 00:00 and ending at
# 12:00, as 12:02 does not fall on a date included in the original 'ephem' object.
ephem.iter(stop=Date(2017, 1, 1, 12))
ephem.iter(stop=Date(2017, 1, 1, 12, 2))

# Similarly, these calls will generate the same points starting at 12:00 and ending at
# 00:00, as 11:58 does not fall on date included in the 'ephem' object.
ephem.iter(start=Date(2017, 1, 1, 11, 58))
ephem.iter(start=Date(2017, 1, 1, 12))

# This call will generate an ephemeris, wich is a subpart of the initial one
ephem.iter(start=Date(2017, 1, 1, 8), stop=Date(2017, 1, 1, 16))

Alias of interpolate()

property start

Date of the first element

property stop

Date of the last element


class beyond.orbits.man.ImpulsiveMan(date, dv, frame=None, comment=None)

Impulsive maneuver

__init__(date, dv, frame=None, comment=None)
  • date (Date) – Date of application of the maneuver

  • dv (list) – Vector of length 3 describing the velocity increment

  • frame (str) – Which frame is used for applying the increment : 'TNW', 'QSW' or None. If frame = None the same frame as the orbit is used

  • comment (str) – Free text to give context on a given maneuver (‘apogee maneuver’, ‘inclination correction’)

dv(orb, **kwargs)

Computation of the velocity increment in the reference frame of the orbit


orb (Orbit) –


Velocity increment, length 3

Return type:


class beyond.orbits.man.KeplerianImpulsiveMan(date, *, da=0, di=0, dOmega=0, comment=None)

Impulsive maneuver directly modifying keplerian parameters changes

For maximum efficiency:

  • ‘a’ should be modified at apoapsis or periapsis, via da

  • ‘i’ should be modified at descending or ascending node, via di

  • ‘Ω’ should be modified at argument of latitude +/- 90 deg, via dOmega

__init__(date, *, da=0, di=0, dOmega=0, comment=None)
  • date (Date) – Date of application of the impulsive maneuver

  • da (float) – Semi major axis increment

  • di (float) – inclination increment (radians)

  • dOmega (float) – right ascension of ascending node increment (radians)

  • comment (str) –

dv(orb, **kwargs)

Computation of the velocity increment in the reference frame of the orbit


orb (Orbit) –


Velocity increment, length 3

Return type:


class beyond.orbits.man.ContinuousMan(date, duration, *, dv=None, accel=None, date_pos='start', frame=None, comment=None)

Continuous thrust

__init__(date, duration, *, dv=None, accel=None, date_pos='start', frame=None, comment=None)
  • date (Date) – Date (see date_pos)

  • duration (timedelta) – Duration of the thrust

  • dv (list[float]) – Vector of length 3 describing the velocity increment (in m/s)

  • accel (list[float]) – Vector of length 3 describing the acceleration (in m/s²)

  • date_pos (str) – define the position of the date argument. Accepted values are start, stop, median

  • frame (str) – frame of the maneuver

  • comment (str) –


class beyond.orbits.cov.Cov(orb, values, frame)

Covariance matrix

static __new__(cls, orb, values, frame)

Create a covariance matrix

  • orb (StateVector) – State vector from which this is the covariance

  • values – 2D matrix (6x6)

  • frame (str) – Frame in which the covariance is expressed


For the time being, only 6x6 matrices are handled, but in the future there is no reason why NxN matrix can’t be used as well

property frame

Frame of the covariance

When this value is changed, the covariance is converted. Accepted frames are regular frames (defined in Frames) and ‘TNW’ or ‘QSW’.

If the frame of this covariance is the same as its parent statevector/orbit, a change of its parent frame will trigger a change of this covariance frame as well.

orb.frame.name      # "EME2000"
orb.cov.frame.name  # "EME2000"
orb.frame = "ITRF"
orb.frame.name      # "ITRF"
orb.cov.frame.name  # "ITRF"

It it possible to untangle them by switching only the covariance to an other frame

orb.frame.name      # "EME2000"
orb.cov.frame.name  # "EME2000"
orb.cov.frame = "ITRF"
orb.frame.name      # "EME2000"
orb.cov.frame.name  # "ITRF"